Middle School is tailored specifically to the needs of our learners in Years 6, 7 and 8.
We desire to see our students grow into young people of integrity, compassion, mercy and truth. We know that God has a unique purpose for each child and we aspire to see them recognise their potential and live in a way that enriches their community.
Middle School connects students through a ‘core class’, with whom they spend the majority of their learning time. This core class community caters for students in the areas of pastoral care, wellbeing and academic development. The Middle School structure offers the security and comfort of a primary school, together with the opportunities for growth and choice associated with a secondary school. It enables students from Year 6, to be excited and extended through a range of new subjects, traditionally elected only in secondary school.

Learning and curriculum
Key learning areas
Trinity Christian School nurtures students through the middle years of childhood and adolescence. We allow them to experience a range of subjects and learning opportunities, identifying and exploring their God given giftedness.
Middle School provides students with the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Christian Life Studies in a familiar classroom environment. We know that due to their developmental stage, a model that provides them with fewer teachers, who they see more frequently, is crucial to their academic success. As a result, students are allocated to a core class. They spend the majority of their learning time with this consistent group of students, enabling strong peer connections.
- Year 6 – students spend time with one core teacher, as well as learning from various specialist teachers in a variety of practical subjects.
- Year 7 – students have two core teachers, one who teaches them integrated English, Humanities and Christian Life Studies units (called Core 1) and another who teaches them Mathematics and Science.
- Year 8 – students still have a Core 1 teacher, they transition to having separate Mathematics and Science teachers.
Key learning areas
English and Literacy (6-8)
Humanities and Social Sciences (6-8)
Christian Life Studies (6-8)
Mathematics (6-7)
Science (6-7)
Mathematics (8)
Science (8)
Sports, Physical Education and Health
Creative Arts (Music, Art, Drama)
Languages (Indonesian)
Technologies (Home Economics, Textiles, Design, Woodwork)
From the Head of School

Within the Middle School at Trinity Christian School, we strive to create an environment where every student feels valued and challenged. We believe that personalised learning is key, as what may be appropriately challenging for one student may be too easy or too difficult for another. Through differentiation across all subjects, our dedicated and gifted teachers ensure that each student is supported to achieve success in their learning.
Aligned with the Australian Curriculum, we utilise the latest tools and technologies to engage our Years 6 – 8 students and prepare them for the future. Our classes are mixed ability, providing opportunities for students to develop themselves as learners. In addition to core subjects, our students have the opportunity to explore practical-based subjects such as Woodwork, Food Science, the Arts and Textiles. We also offer a wide range of co-curricular activities, including musicals, sporting teams, choirs and ensembles, gifted and talented programs, and special interest groups.
Welcome to Middle School in 2025.
Mr Phil Roser
Head of Middle and Senior School
Student wellbeing and care
Student wellbeing and pastoral care at Trinity Christian School align with our Vision and Mission and are founded on the principles of love, mercy and justice in all circumstances. Our ultimate goal is meaningful and positive relationships and a deep sense of connectedness and belonging for all. We are committed to working cooperatively in partnership with parents and guardians.
The care and concern for our students is prevalent on a day-to-day basis through the interactions between students and their teachers. While all members of our School community are ready and committed to working with students and their families, additional support is provided in the Middle School by the Middle School Wellbeing Coordinators, School Counselling Team and our Head of Middle and Senior School.